We got to see the end of the eclipse on Saturday. We didn't get to see the moon when it made its appearance on the horizon, though. We were at mass (we always go on Saturday evenings--it's just a better time for my son). When we got home, my husband insisted on taking the pictures, so I didn't get to. It's funny because he kept asking me what to do, lol! A lot of them turned out underexposed (too dark). Some turned out overexposed (too light). Many were blurry! But, a few turned out ok. That's not his fault, though. Our camera is a DSLR (digital single lens reflex). It allows us to do all kinds of cool things like slow the shutter speed (which you have to do in nighttime pictures so they don't turn out so dark you can't see them) or speed it up (for action shots) and increase or decrease the aperture (make the whole picture clear or fuzz up the background). We still are newbies and have to experiment a lot in order to get good shots. For example, one of the pictures we took of the eclipse (with a 5 second shutter speed) actually looks like we took it during the daytime, and the moon looks like the sun.
There's also a cool flare on the moon there. Sometimes the "bad" pictures turn out to be pretty good!
What an amazing thing to witness! Our universe is so beautiful.
I wish I understood cameras. My shots are always unplanned snap-shots here and there and I take a lot of crap for that from my snooty "photographer" brother in law. I wish I had the patience you do to test and figure out the complexity that is the camera. ;)
I agree Holly, what a beautiful universe. I'm so bummed I missed the eclipse. Forgot about it entirely.
Holly, you're right! Photography takes lots of patience and tons of bad shots.
Lisa, I'm so sorry you missed the eclipse. I hope you can catch the next one.
Oh, and I forgot to say that I take a LOT of bad pics
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