Monday, November 13, 2006


I love this time of year. The weather is cooler, but I start to feel warmer inside. I love the closeness the holidays bring. I am fortunate that I live close to my parents, so I get to see them pretty often. However, my husband's parents live in the Middle East. They are far away from all the war and hardship that is going on over there, so we don't have to worry about their safety. However, I worry a lot about the fact that they don't get to see their grandchild on a regular basis. They got to see him for his baptism when he was two months old, and they won't get to see him again until he's nine months at Christmas.

Some people might say I'm fortunate that I don't have to deal with the in-laws. I think that if they lived closer that we wouldn't have too many problems, though. Yes, we don't see eye-to-eye on every issue, but does every member of every family always agree? It's healthy to experience different points of view. I think I'm pretty lucky to have an extended family who care so much about me.


Anonymous said...

Wow Suzanne, i could've writting that post!! DH's family also lives in the mid east, and they didnt even meet Dana yet, so i know how you feel. i think that fact that we live near our parents makes it easier.

i know what you mean about ppl thinking you are lucky not to have them here, I gotta admit though, sometimes i feel very lucky lol

Anonymous said...

I wish we lived closer to both of our parents. Time passes so quickly. I hate how much older we are and our parents are every time we see each other.

This is a great time of year. It's like you have permission to actually slow down and think about your family for a bit. Doesn't happen enough.